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Sarrainodu af somali series#
Idaacadda Subaxnimo ee Saaka iyo Caalamka waxaad ku maqashaa wararkii habeenimadii xalay ka dhacay Soomaaliya iyo waliba caalamka, barnaamijyo, wareysi xiiso leh, ciyaaraha, dhanbaallada dhagaystayaasha iyo waliba wargeysyada caalamku waxay saaka ku waabĭo not miss any somali movie, somali series or even latest somali short films all made in Somalia by mySomali Studuos. It is an action-thriller, which revolves around an ordinary man who takes up his girlfriend's fight for the justice against unscrupulous, depraved man who ha. BBC Somali waxa aad ka heleysaa wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaalida iyo caalamkaba

A loan recovery agent takes on a corrupt head of an educational institution to save his girlfriend. Daawashada Filim Bairavaa 2017 Af Somali. But, as love flies out of the window, the. Three best friends fall in love with a simple, stay-at-home girl from their neighbourhood, who (unintentionally) pits them against one another.